Iceland, such a nice land.

Well, my journey at home in Iceland is coming to an end..
Time has really flown, its gone by way to fast, thats my opinion.

Its been wonderful, seeing my family and friends, ive done so much in only six days.I went to my grandmas who lives at Westfjords, took my brother and sister with me, that was around six hour drive, but worth it because of the beautiful landscape on the way
Stopped there for only two days and then we were off to Reykjavik.
Its been hectic here, but really nice at the same time.

A friend of mine came to Iceland from Denmark and is travelling with me to the US so i wont be starting my journey alone 🙂 also gave me the perfect opportunity to explore my birth country, its so funny how appealing it all of a sudden gets to find out about your roots when you havent been living at home for some years, the grass is always greener on the other side.. 😉
So we took the typical circle, Geysir


And of course Blue Lagoon, which i think personally, way to pricey and very tourist-ed. Kinda sad actually, walking around Reykjavik downtown made me realize how much Icelanders are depending on tourists right now, all the giftshops and what not for tourists.. Made me feel like we were desperate around here.

Anyways, its New York tomorrow and im looking forward to it 😉
Am going to miss my family here though..
Although i live in Copenhagen and have been doing that for the past 7 years, i always have the opportunity to visit them at least two times a year, or come by when i can and want to, but now, if nothing fails, there will go a whole year by until i see they’re faces.
Well, it will be a quality moment when we come to that 😉

My dad gave me a farewell present, one that i had been nagging for, for a long time..
His last name on my neck, or a little below my neck
Its dangerous to have a father thats good at drawing… 😉
im happy with the results, this has been an obsession with me for years now, so im a happy globetrotter right now and will leave my country with a smile on my face. New York, here we come 😉

And a goodbye picfrom the land of Ice and snow..

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6 Responses to Iceland, such a nice land.

  1. Bit says:

    skemmtu ther i nyju jorvik gaeskan & til hamingju med nyja hudflurid

  2. Helga María says:

    Vá hvað það verður ótrúlega gaman að fylgjast með þér hér! Þú ert bara að fara leika þér í heilt ár í ókunnum löndum 🙂 Svona get ég tekið smá þátt í ævintýrinu. Ég á eftir að sakna þín helling en ég verð bara svona “online stalker” 🙂
    Knús elsku vinkona og GÓÐA SKEMMTUN!

  3. Frúsaga says:

    Hæ vinkona, já ég tók eftir þessu líka þegar ég var á Íslandi síðast, miðbærinn orðinn svo túristamiðaður! svoldið leiðinlegt að finnast þetta ekki lengur manns eigin borg… en, efnahagurinn þarf víst á þessu að halda, ferðamennskunni.
    Annars bara stórt knús til þín sæta mín, ég fylgist með ævintýrunum þínum héðan úr Glasgow.

    • vedisfonn says:

      Hæ sætan min, ja þád var heldur betur turistad verd eg ad segja, en svona er þetta ut af efnahagnum.. Takk fyrir þad vinkona, og hentu a mig linu once in a while 😉 knus

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